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Remote C-H Functionalizations: Methods and Strategies in organic synthesis


Debabrata Maiti and Srimanta Guin

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Palladacycles: Catalysis and Beyond


Anant R. Kapdi and Debabrata Maiti 

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 Direct Arylation via C-H Activation (Book Chapter)


New Trends in Cross Coupling: Theory and Application.
Sharma, U.; Modak, A.; Maity, S.; Maji.; Maiti, D.
RSC Catalysis Series; Royal Society of Chemistry
Edited by Thomas J Colacot
ISSN : 1757-6725
ISBN :9781849738965

 Iron Catalysis in Synthetic Chemistry (Book Chapter)


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry: Volume 59 
Rana, S.; Modak, A.; Maity, S.; Patra, T.; Maiti, D.
Edited by Kenneth D. Karlin
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

Palladium Catalyzed  Modification of Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Oligonucleotides


Anant R. Kapdi and Debabrata Maiti 

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Strategies for Palladium Catalyzed Non-directed and Directed C bond H bond Functionalization 


Anant R. Kapdi and Debabrata Maiti 

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